But if you can find one that doesn’t stand out as being awful stock photography, you can tweak it to make a great cover for your Kindle book. Here are a few of KDP’s suggested designs for my example book: As you can see, they’re not stellar. But by browsing images and tweaking colors and fonts, you can actually come up with something half-way decent: Of course, you’re always going to get better results by hiring a professional.
Download Kindle Create 1.10 for Mac from our software library for free. The software belongs to Design & Photo Tools. The latest setup package occupies 218.3 MB on disk. The actual developer of this free software for Mac is Ama.
• Headers and footers • Multiple columns • Page size • Page orientation • Page number and page count fields • Line spacing • Hyphenation • Selectable text inside shapes • Overlapping text and objects (for example, overlapping text with an image or shape) • Master objects • Text wrap around objects • Floating objects are exported as floating (instead of converting to inline like Reflowable EPUBs) • Tab stops • Shadows/Reflections • Linked text boxes. In Pages, you can export any page layout document to Fixed layout, and any word-processing document to Fixed layout or Reflowable layout. 2 You can into a book you create from a word-processing document. If you haven't inserted a table of contents in a word-processing document, one will be automatically generated based on the paragraph styles you use. A Fixed layout document without a table of contents is exported without a table of contents. 2 If you want to export as a Reflowable EPUB, for best results use a word-processing document with inline images.
Choosing the right price for your Kindle book is going to depend greatly on your subject matter and target market. Unless you’re an established author, you’ll probably want to be toward the lower end of the spectrum.
Already have a Kindle? With Whispersync, you can access your library of Kindle books, notes, marks and more.
A Fixed layout document without a table of contents is exported without a table of contents. 2 If you want to export as a Reflowable EPUB, for best results use a word-processing document with inline images.
Hey Tim, Thanks! Scrivener does indeed have an excellent export function, which I have even used. The reason I do things this way is that my work goes to editors who don’t use Scrivener.
• In the Table of Contents pane, select all the paragraph styles that you want to appear in the table of contents. • Remove or add items by selecting or deselecting paragraph styles in the Table of Contents pane. 3 You can't create or edit a table of contents in Pages for iOS or Pages for iCloud. To change which styles appear in the table of contents, open your document in Pages for Mac, then follow the instructions to create a custom table of contents in Pages for Mac. • Open your document in Pages for Mac. 3 • Choose File > Export To > EPUB. • Type in the Title and Author.
Select Upload a cover you already have (JPG/TIFF) to upload a cover you’ve already designed (don’t forget to check out our tips on A good ebook cover is a visual and emotional glance into the contents of your writing. But if you design your own ebook cover, there are some important things you need to take into consideration. If you decide to go this route). To use KDP’s tools for creating your own cover, select the first option and click the Launch Cover Creator button. As you’ll find out, Cover Creator has a lot of terrible stock images.
Kindle allows you to read more than 450,000 books on your Mac. No Kindle required.
Some of the benefits include- • Typography - Nicer drop caps, hyphenation, smoother word spacing, kerning and ligatures. • Layout Features – Higher quality images, font alignments and table formatting. • Reading Experience – Page-Flip to easily navigate within a book while reading and Progressive download, so that customers can start reading a book while it is still downloading.You can read more about Page Flip.
If you’d rather not use Kindle Create, you can upload a DOCX, PDF, MOBI, or other file directly into KDP. Click Upload eBook Manuscript and select your file. KDP will upload and process the file, and you’ll see a notification when the processing is done. You can also check potential spelling errors identified by KDP.
You can create a book using any Pages template, or you can use. Portrait book templates are based on word processing documents, and can be exported as Reflowable or Fixed layout EPUBs. Landscape book templates are based on page layout documents, and can be exported as Fixed layout EPUBs.
Please follow these steps to preserve internal and external hyperlinks in your book. • Open your book in Kindle Textbook Creator tool. • Go to Edit > Preserve Links. The tool now enables all the links present in your book.
• Fixed layout: If you want the layout of each page in your document to stay the same, regardless of the device or orientation, choose Fixed layout. In a Fixed layout EPUB, users can zoom in and out, but text and content positions are fixed and don't reflow. Fixed layout is best for image-heavy or multi-column documents.
You also have to pay a download cost per book, which depends on the size of the file. When you enter a price into the List Price box, you’ll see the delivery fee. If you have a very large book, this can cut into your royalties, and you may want to choose the 35 percent option. This will probably only apply to massive books with large images, but it’s worth keeping in mind. Setting the Book Price and Other Options After choosing your royalty level, you can set the price of your book. If you chose the 70 percent royalty level, you’re limited to between $2.99 and $9.99.
I have used Jutoh too which works very well. An alternative you could consider is signing up for an account with Draft2Digital. Their conversion process is excellent direct from Word and they do not (currently) mind you downloading your file from their site.
• Choose the type of cover for your EPUB book. • Choose the layout style you want to use. When exporting a Page Layout document, it's automatically exported with a Fixed layout. • (Optional) Under Advanced Options, select a Primary Category and a Language for your book. • To make sure the fonts you chose for your document appear in the EPUB, select Embed Fonts. If you deselect Embed Fonts, your chosen font defaults to the preferred font of the reader's application. Pages can embed OpenType (OTF) and TrueType (TTF) fonts.
• Get the best reading experience available on your Mac. • Access your Kindle books even if you don't have your Kindle with you. • Automatically synchronizes your last page read and annotations between devices with Whispersync. • Create bookmarks and view the annotations you created on your Kindle. What's New in Kindle.
(A4 Verdana font size 8 on Microsoft Word). I have about 400 such stories. Maximum length I have ever written is 9 pages.
Pros: • Excellent conversion speed. • Top-notch PDF quality Cons: • It crashes with the DRM (Digital Rights Management) files at times.
Tracked changes are automatically accepted if no specific action is taken. • Open your document in Pages for iOS. • Tap Export. • Choose EPUB. • Type in the Title and Author. • Choose the type of cover for your EPUB book. • Tap the layout style you want to use. When exporting a Page Layout document, it's automatically exported with a Fixed layout.
When Enhanced Typesetting is enabled for your book, you will see 'Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled' on that book’s detail page. What are the devices and applications on which Enhanced Typesetting is enabled? Enhanced typesetting is enabled on the following Kindle devices and applications.
4 If you've tracked changes in the document you want to export, accept or reject any changes and stop tracking changes before you export. Tracked changes are automatically accepted if no specific action is taken. Information about products not manufactured by Apple, or independent websites not controlled or tested by Apple, is provided without recommendation or endorsement. Apple assumes no responsibility with regard to the selection, performance, or use of third-party websites or products.
But it’s important to realize that there’s a big restriction placed on books in this royalty level: they have to be priced between $2.99 and $9.99. Most authors probably won’t have a problem with this. Really small books, however, or large ones like textbooks, might suffer from being priced in this bracket.
Since not everybody owns Scrivener or wants to use it, I think Calibre is the best alternative. I very strongly suspect that within the next couple of years all word processors will have an export to epub function which will make all of this largely irrelevant but at the moment this is how it is:). Hay Sir, This is just absolute well, you are my dream come true. For three years I have been trying to get someone to publish my stories. Now, I am over the moon!
• Language • Book title (and optional subtitle) • Series information (optional) • Edition number (optional) • Primary author • Additional contributors (optional) • Description for Amazon page • Publishing rights (owned or public domain) • Keywords (up to seven) • Amazon Kindle categories • Age and grade range (optional) • Pre-order status (optional) Think carefully about the title, description, keywords, and categories. These are the primary ways that people will find your book.
• Click Next. • Enter a name for your EPUB file, then click Export. • To view your EPUB in the Books app when it's finished exporting, double-click the file. 3 If you've tracked changes in the document you want to export, accept or reject any changes and stop tracking changes before you export.
If you deselect Embed Fonts, your chosen font defaults to the preferred font of the reader's application. Pages can embed OpenType (OTF) and TrueType (TTF) fonts. • Click Next. • Enter a name for your EPUB file, then click Export. • To view your EPUB in the Books app when it's finished exporting, double-click the file. 3 If you've tracked changes in the document you want to export, accept or reject any changes and stop tracking changes before you export. Tracked changes are automatically accepted if no specific action is taken.
Adding DRM to Your Kindle Book (or Not) At the top of the Content page, you’ll see the option to enable DRM on your Kindle book. If you choose to enable DRM, your Kindle book will be locked to a single purchaser, and they won’t be able to share it (unless they first remove the DRM, which many people don’t know how to do). They can still lend it using the Kindle lending program, though.
These features from your Pages document are exported to EPUB with Fixed layout only. You can still export documents that include these features with Reflowable layout, but these features won't appear in the exported EPUB.
They use Microsoft Word. This leaves me with two choices, the first of which is to import the document back into Scrivener once I have approved the changes. This is actually pretty easy on the Mac version but less so on the Windows version at the moment. (On the Mac, you can divide the document up on import at the Chapter headings, this function is not available on the Windows version.) The alternative is to do what I do here and just load the edited document into Calibre. In this series of posts I am trying to present the cheapest and easiest way to get books out there for the largest number of people.
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3 • Choose File > Export To > EPUB. • Type in the Title and Author. • Choose the type of cover for your EPUB book. • Choose the layout style you want to use. When exporting a Page Layout document, it's automatically exported with a Fixed layout. • (Optional) Under Advanced Options, select a Primary Category and a Language for your book. • To make sure the fonts you chose for your document appear in the EPUB, select Embed Fonts.
We opened it and immediately began to read a facsimile of the first story, 'A Scandal in Bohemia.' Navigation was easy with the scroll wheel or by clicking either of the Back and Forward arrows that appeared to the left and right of the text when we hovered our mouse there.
Then you can easily read the Kindle eBook on computer. Pros: • Ensures faster conversion of files. • Top quality file conversion and quality of the files remain intact even after conversion. Cons: • Free version leaves something like a watermark. It is actually a bold, big red mark that is visible in every page.
You can read more about these two tools on this. If you are using Kindle Create or Kindle Add-in for Microsoft Word, you can use the inbuilt previewer to see how your book will look for Kindle customers. You do not have to download and install Kindle Previewer separately.
In a Reflowable EPUB, text size scales, and content repaginates according to the reader. Reflowable is best for documents that are mostly text.
Enabling Kindle lending lets anyone who buys the book Millions of people now own Kindles, but most of them aren't taking full advantage of these magnificent devices. There are various ways to take full advantage of your Kindle, and here are just seven. (Those of us who oppose DRM would greatly appreciate you enabling this, even if you chose to enable DRM.) Publishing Your Kindle Book to Amazon Once you’re done with all of the above steps, you’re ready to publish your ebook on Amazon! Just hit Publish Your Kindle eBook at the bottom of the page, and Amazon will handle the rest. It can take a few days for your book to hit the shelves on the Amazon store.
In a Fixed layout EPUB, users can zoom in and out, but text and content positions are fixed and don't reflow. Backgammon for mac download. Fixed layout is best for image-heavy or multi-column documents. These features from your Pages document are exported to EPUB with Fixed layout only. You can still export documents that include these features with Reflowable layout, but these features won't appear in the exported EPUB. • Headers and footers • Multiple columns • Page size • Page orientation • Page number and page count fields • Line spacing • Hyphenation • Selectable text inside shapes • Overlapping text and objects (for example, overlapping text with an image or shape) • Master objects • Text wrap around objects • Floating objects are exported as floating (instead of converting to inline like Reflowable EPUBs) • Tab stops • Shadows/Reflections • Linked text boxes. In Pages, you can export any page layout document to Fixed layout, and any word-processing document to Fixed layout or Reflowable layout. 2 You can into a book you create from a word-processing document. If you haven't inserted a table of contents in a word-processing document, one will be automatically generated based on the paragraph styles you use.
Other company and product names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
Now that you’re officially a published author, you can start promoting your book, going on international book tours, and booking talkshow interviews. The sky is the limit.
• If your document includes movies and you plan on offering your books in Apple Books, turn Apple Books Compatibility on to convert incompatible movies to images. Incompatible audio files are also removed. • Tap Export to share your EPUB. • To view your EPUB in the Books app when it's finished exporting, choose Copy to Books.
LIMITED BETA PRICING: only $5.99! Learn how to make your app more resilient, failure-proof, and modular. This book will teach you how to create Mac applications which utilize background processes for heavy lifting and use the main application for the user interface only.
Books created with Kindle Textbook Creator are not made available on Kindle eInk readers. Amazon provides a number of options for previewing your books. Kindle Textbook Creator includes a built-in previewer that allows you to see how your book will appear on supported Kindle devices and free Kindle reading apps. In the Kindle Textbook Creator previewer, you will be able to view your book’s text as well as how interactive content (e.g., audio, video, and image pop-ups) will appear to readers. You can also preview your book after uploading it to using their online previewer; however, you will not be able to view interactive content with the KDP preview feature. A12: On a Mac, find your audio/video file in “Finder” and then right click on the file and select “Get Info” from the menu that appears. You will see a pop-up box.
You can upload a PDF file of your book, but this has a larger margin for error. Graphics formatting, page numbers, and sidebars in PDFs don't always convert well to Kindle. After you upload a PDF, we recommend previewing your book to make sure it looks the way you want it to. If not, consider converting it to a Word (DOC) file. To create a PDF file from Word or Apple Pages, save as a PDF. At this time, KDP only supports uploaded PDFs in the following languages: English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Catalan, Galician, and Basque.
They become resilient to changes by splitting concerns between processes. This will help you think of your application as a suite of simpler services which can grow independently and thus more easily. After introduced basics of software architecture to the communicty, this book will utilize the guiding principles to create a complex real-world application. Write and Publish on Leanpub Authors, publishers and universities use Leanpub to publish amazing in-progress and completed books and courses, just like this one. You can use Leanpub to write, publish and sell your book or course as well! Leanpub is a powerful platform for serious authors, combining a simple, elegant writing and publishing workflow with a store focused on selling in-progress ebooks.
My book is not compatible with Enhanced Typesetting. What should I do to make it compatible with Enhanced Typesetting? We are actively working to provide guidance so that you can ensure that your book supports Enhanced Typesetting. Meanwhile, we continue to expand the capabilities of Enhanced Typesetting and we will automatically enable it for your book on the store when possible. You need not resubmit your book.